We are working on how to smile normally- don't worry. This was taken at my Mom's house last week while we visited for a little while. It was heaven to swim and be with family.
Nixie's cousin Jaden had a dance recital, so my sister put her hair in sponge curlers, then suprised me by putting Nixie's hair in curlers! I loved it and wish she could be on the stage with her cousin.
Not the best picture on a lazy sunday afternoon, but just so my kids know that I am part of the family once this blog is a journal/book.
The whole time I was in Mesa, I searched high and low for our camera, so sad that my trip wasn't being documented. Adam was on a 3 day hike with my brothers and in laws- he did take the camera, and this is what he came home with. I'm glas his trip was documented.