Monday, November 17, 2008

A few family pics and one soapy daughter

We had our family pictures taken in September and now that we have some of them back, I can't help but wonder why I was determined to get them done so far into my pregnancy, especially since we will need to take them again once the baby comes. My main motivation was to get some updated pics of the kids. This picture is one of my favorites.

Despite the fact that I'm a little fuller in the face, I'm glad we have a picture of just Adam and myself. I feel like after you have kids people don't think about making sure there are some professional pictures of just themselves as a couple. I love when I come across a picture of my parents together, I always think about how cute they are. Hopefully in 20 years my kid's will feel the same way about this picture.

Please read on to find out why our family has to do this..

This has been our daughter's favorite pastime this month. She likes to quietly and quickly sneak into the bathroom and pump as much soap as possible into her little hand, and slap it on the top of her head and face. She has burned her eyes multiple times but does NOT learn her lesson. This incident was one of the more mild ones.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Pumpkins!!!

I loved this picture that I actually stole off of another mom's blog, but it was so dang cute. This little preschool class is so much fun, I love teaching them 3 days a week. Gotta love the glasses and happy faces!

Spending Halloween with cousins. Malloy was the Big Bad Wolf and Nixie was Little Red Riding Hood, although I wish we could have had her cutest little hood on, it was my favorite part of the costume- thanks Cherisse! Malloy would wear his wolf mask for about 2 seconds.

Isn't everyone so cute? Oh, except that dwarf sized, scary warewolf- why does my son obsess over anything gruesome.
Adam and I sitting on the couch of shame since we were just kicked out of "the band" at the Halloween party. They had Rock band all set up, Adam was excited to try and about 20 seconds in to our song the game was over and the "Rock band crowd" was booing us off the stage. On a high note, I get a picture of myself 9 months pregnant- YES! Costume explanation: I am a 1950's house wife pregnant with the milkman's baby, thus the milk mustache and smeared kisses on my milkman's cheek. A guy at the party came up to Adam and told him that his friends Dad was an actual milkman back in the day and would get calls from random people claiming that he was their father! I guess their is a little truth to the saying.

Malloy and Nixie with their cousin Carson and friends at Mother Nature's Farm.