This driveway is seriously 10 degrees shy of vertical. We don't know how we will live this winter because Adam and I are so nervous that we either won't be able to get out, or we will roll in to our house when coming home. The only people that are excited about the steep driveway is Malloy and our two neighbors who went sledding the first day it snowed. Woo hoo!
Well hot dang! Hey Juliette! It was great to find your blog. Now I don't even remember how I came across it. I guess it must have be Jen (Moore) Beals site. Your have a beautiful family. Looks like you had a fun day in the snow. I'm always freezing so I think you are so brave. I read your previous story from Halloween about your husbands class. That was so hilarious. It was great to see your site. Come check out my family at cassjohnross2.blogspot.com.
Oh ya this is Cassie (Stark) Ross from way back at MCC dance. Ye haw!
How fun, it definatly didn't look like that a few weeks ago when we were there, we will totally come hang the next time we are there. Oh and I don't know if Adam would want to be an intern for my bro in law, I hear he is pretty tough on them, but good to learn under, if he ever needs one tell him I sent you. Oh and how nice to be able to get a house there, it makes the experience alot better I bet.
AhAHAHA I am so sad right know I am coming up asap. Seriously you are living my dream life. look forward to having 4 extra people living in your home this winter. Ya.
Who would have ever thought that you would live in the snow!!! You're much more the California Dreamer type!!!
However...your kids look adorable in their little snow outfits.
Tag has never seen the snow...maybe him & I should make a suprise visit up to his Aunt Ju's house?!!???
Dying. Dying for a lot of reasons. #1 funny random comments from Malloy AND Adam. #2 You wearing a thin hoodie that is not keeping you warm for one second but you look so cute. #3 Could your Christmas card be any cuter? Nixie is killing me. LOVE IT!!! Oh..and I'm totally going to Goofy's Kitchen tomorrow for my b-day! (thanks to your reccomendation!)
Cute pictures! I got your message and tried calling you back but apparently you don't live in Az anymore?! I guess I still had your old number :) Anyway, I still don't have your new # so give me a call back I can give you my address. I'm a little nervous about putting it on a blog for all the weird-o's out there to preview. Oh, and I will post some "fun" snow pictures for you soon. You might not feel so bad about your situation once you see these!
Gosh, I can not believe the snow you got! My boys would die!!! They said we live in the worst city because it never snowed, and they said it is always to hot to drink hot chocolate, so I guess I need to send them your way. Juliette this must be so crazy living in snow. I sure hope you are handliing the crazy roads. Great cute picture, you regular snow bunny....
Okay, I'm kind of sad that we left Flag before we got to go sledding! We'll have to take the kids sometime when we get back!
Well if it isn't Winter Wonderland!!!! I love you all bundled and ready for a sleigh ride." Just hear those sleigh bells ringiling ting ting tingaling too". I love Nixs jump suit, I had one just like it when we would go to Idaho to my Grandmas. Your quite the snow bunny yourself! Miss I dont take a bad picture. I just write Merry Christmas in the sand and pretend its snow. I even begged Willie to make a snow man out of sand but he said it was impossible... I was so sad.
Ok so I am here now and just wanted to let you know so you and Amber can figure out what time works best to all get together. Just let me know.
Snow is so fun (for like a couple of days) but I'm glad you're getting into it! I'd like to see a little drizzle here and there in AZ. But the temp would need to stay warm.
OK so when, where and why did you move? I had no idea! I thought the pictures in the snow were at a place you owned for vacations not your home! I will be leaving on the 26th so I guess I will not be seeing you this trip....too bad....maybe next time.
juliette I need your adress
jessica.carling1@cox.net thank you!!!
hey if you want a card give me your address
Hey I tried emailing you back and it said it was not a valid address :( Are you sure you typed it in right?
Don't you just love Flagstaff. I hope Adam survived his first semester and rocked his finals. Merry Christmas and hope to see you guys around more next semester
Holy Cow!!! That snow! Ha, ha... I love it- Adam making snow angels! Glad you are doing well... I wish we could have SOME snow... How are you liking Flagstaff?
okay I just left my comment in the wrong spot,! so go read your comments under Nixie again. I'm a bit retarded sometimes!
Hello Juliette!!
I just wanted to say Happy New year to you and your Family!!
First of all call an ambulance because you might have a heart attach at the fact that I updated my blog and am leaving a comment. Those pictures are seriously hilarious. I love that your kids are not in the third picture. I don't understand why you did not let Malloy sink in the snow. I had so much fun this Christmas. Talk about a party animal.
Hey, I was excited to find your blog! I'm glad to see your family is doing well..I hope you remember me.. we saw you last at UMC in the PICU. email me so I can invite you to my blog :) www.dreadog7@gmail.com
Brant and Andrea Morrow
Hey! How was your Christmas?! Hope all is well in your Winter Wonderland!
Ok so when you have 24 comments in one post that means UPDATE PLEASE.
I can't wait to see you this weekend.
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