Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Header side note
Ok- I am a proud mom, but not so proud that I purposely put an 8x10 of my children in my header. I'm still trying to fix it, so until I can figure out what I'm doing- enjoy the bigger than life pictures of my kids!
Love- Hate Relashionship

Adam won this wonderful and hateful little toy/video game as a white elephant gift at a Christmas party. I wasn't too worried, it looks harmless- nothing compared to real video games but little did I know it would completely consume Malloy's life. Adam has lovingly taught him how to play each game- thank you. I never thought Malloy would have a clue as to how to work it. I should have known better because I have seen some kids playing video games at age two. The upside is that when I need to get things done it is a great babysitter.
Getting to the next "lebel"

Every time Malloy plays pacman he yells,"I NEED TO GET THE THE NEXT LEBEL"! I'm so glad Adam showed malloy the different levels of pacman because now my hot tempered little 3 year old is obsessed with the game, the levels and winning. It was so much better when he had no idea what was going on and thought it was funny when his little pacman was chased down and eaten.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Oh how I wish I could be a fly on the wall!!!!

Malloy has graduated from nursery to sunbeams and it cracks me up to picture him sitting reverently through primary and a Sunday school lesson. First of all, sunbeams consist of a lot of coloring, something Malloy hates, something I have to bribe him with candy to do. Anyway, this is the second week he has gone to primary and YES his class has a spy window. This last Sunday right before Relief Society, I casually walked by and peeped in his room only to find an empty class- bummer. I realized he must still be in the primary room so of course I went to check on him. After cracking the door I can see that he and 3 other older kids were picked to go to the front of the room for some kind of activity – queue the sweat glands. The President says, “Ok kids, please draw one of Heavenly Father’s creations” . I am laughing so hard and all I can think of is later Malloy, you are on your own. I’m pretty sure Malloy hasn’t even noticed the writing utensil next to him that he is supposed to be drawing with and the word creation hasn’t even been uttered in his life up to that point. Ok William goes first. What do you know a camel and – bonus- a picture of Jesus, very impressive. Audrey is second, she draws a cow and some flowers, Malloy’s turn. Oh he is still on the ground with his paper. The President says,” Malloy do you want to stand up and show us what you drew?” He stands up, shows her the paper and says, “an M” . The President says “Oh an M for Malloy.” I was heavily breathing / giggling and almost slobbering because I was smiling so big. The letter M had nothing to do with the assignment, I was just happy it wasn't a blank piece of paper. At that very moment an older man that I do not know walked by and said, “easy snoopy!” Oh I wish I could spy every week, it was so entertaining. I really hope this nosy feeling subsides because when I think about his first dance as a deacon, trench coats and wigs come to mind.
Saturday, January 12, 2008

I was so excited to have our friends Ryan and Amber visit this weekend. Try as I might I am not a good snowboarder, however I do have fun despite the lack of feeling in my toes every time I go. Amber, Ryan, and Adam are very good! I almost had more fun watching Amber twirl and twist than I did snowboarding. Thanks for the fun Olsen fam!!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I love Christmas and everything that goes with it!!!

Christmas morning was so fun. I loved watching Nixie and Malloy open presents and freak out. I also loved all the wrapping paper everywhere, the Christmas mess- when Adam came out with a bag to clean it up, I did ask if we could just leave it for a while. It was fun visiting friends and family. Good thing my sister emailed me some pictures documenting the trip. We are loser picture takers which is why a blog is very good for us. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, I miss it already.
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