Malloy has graduated from nursery to sunbeams and it cracks me up to picture him sitting reverently through primary and a Sunday school lesson. First of all, sunbeams consist of a lot of coloring, something Malloy hates, something I have to bribe him with candy to do. Anyway, this is the second week he has gone to primary and YES his class has a spy window. This last Sunday right before Relief Society, I casually walked by and peeped in his room only to find an empty class- bummer. I realized he must still be in the primary room so of course I went to check on him. After cracking the door I can see that he and 3 other older kids were picked to go to the front of the room for some kind of activity – queue the sweat glands. The President says, “Ok kids, please draw one of Heavenly Father’s creations” . I am laughing so hard and all I can think of is later Malloy, you are on your own. I’m pretty sure Malloy hasn’t even noticed the writing utensil next to him that he is supposed to be drawing with and the word creation hasn’t even been uttered in his life up to that point. Ok William goes first. What do you know a camel and – bonus- a picture of Jesus, very impressive. Audrey is second, she draws a cow and some flowers, Malloy’s turn. Oh he is still on the ground with his paper. The President says,” Malloy do you want to stand up and show us what you drew?” He stands up, shows her the paper and says, “an M” . The President says “Oh an M for Malloy.” I was heavily breathing / giggling and almost slobbering because I was smiling so big. The letter M had nothing to do with the assignment, I was just happy it wasn't a blank piece of paper. At that very moment an older man that I do not know walked by and said, “easy snoopy!” Oh I wish I could spy every week, it was so entertaining. I really hope this nosy feeling subsides because when I think about his first dance as a deacon, trench coats and wigs come to mind.
That is hilarious. Miss you guys and can't tell you how much fun we had this last weekend. Flag is my favorite.
Love the story! I wish I could be in Andrew's class too. Who knows what they say at that age. Last week Andrew said they talked about Heavenly Father and Lucifer...the cat from Cinderella.
You kill me....Of coarse you would spy on your own kids not only everyone of my lovers in H.S.! Great story, Im gonna die when my little peanut is that old.
Man our kids grow up way too fast! I loved that story. Your kids are absolutely darling. Try and stay warm in Flag and let me know next time you are in Mesa. I would love to see you and your kiddos. Some things never change my friend... you are about the skinniest, cutest mom ever. Your kids are sure lucky to have you as a mom!!!
That's so funny. I almost died when I read the "breathing heavy" part. For some reason I can picture you doing that trying not to laugh!
Oh and thanks for the anonymous postings, I feel like I have a stalker!
I just showed mom your adorable post and hilarious story. She said that Malloy was the smartest one because he wrote "M" for Malloy and God created him. She said that he is brilliant!! We love you
You know I'm the queen of spy and I'm right there with you. I've got an extra wig for you! What a proud moment you must have had. All those letter activities in your preschool class paid off!
OK you are hilarious! I can see it all now the wig and everything!
I'm so glad you left a message on my blog! It will be fun to check in with you from time to time.....ok more like every other day or so. I all the sudden LOVE to read people's blogs! :) You and your family are so darn cute! Sounds like you're doing great. I've never seen someone have more "friends and family" look at you miss popular! You are even more popular then Tiff (that's hard to beat!) I'm going to add you to my friends list...so I hope that's ok! :)I taught Sunbeans and it IS impressive he drew a M! btw this is Missy not sure why it says Market Maven
You are so funny. Go on with your bad self Malloy, I love that he broke away from the crowd. You could just install a camera in the sunbeams classroom! Oh your kids are so darn cute!
You guys look like you have fun skiing. I love the picture of the kids on top!
Oh my gosh how freaken cute is that picture of our kids!
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