Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm PREGNANT! Let the smorgasbord begin!

Yea! I'm so excited for a new little baby to join the fam and especially the 50 pounds I will be gaining very soon- isn't it wonderful!


Anonymous said...

YEAH! I LOVE being pregnant, sick & gaining 50lbs! It's SO fun! CONGRATS! how far along? cuz u look like a stick in Tiff's pictures! I was just about to leave a comment on your blog saying, "ok if Tiff has blogged more then u, u know u are sucking" but U had just blogged! I'm so happy for u! Jon wishes I was prego!

ness said...

thank you, thank you! now i won't be the only one our age with three kids. congrats!

the waites said...

I love that ness said "our" age...shes actually 2 years younger.HEHE! Cant wait to see you in 6 weeks.

Tiffany said...

Heheheheheheheheheheh!!!! I am so excited. Is it a boy, is it a girl? Find out right now! I want you to know that I am totally here for you. When you come down to the valley and are craving Aregano's, pizza, ice cream, out back, Carraba's, anything, I will be your go to gal and enjoy it with you. It is really the least I can do for my prego sis. Love you!

Paige said...

Just couldnt hold it in anymore uh? When are we going to see Baby Mama!

laurice. said...

So exciting! How far along are you?? Do you have a due date?

kemptons said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting and fun that we are due at the exact same time. When is are girls night. We need to pack in a lot before I move so I can gain that 50 pounds with you!

Hess Fam said...

OH sister. I can't believe that in our half hour of talking this morning, I didn't even ask how your belly is feeling. I hope you are not barfing your brains out every second!

Mama J said...

CONGRATS!!! I've been waiting for this post ever since you told us that you guys were going to start trying! YAY FOR YOU!!! I cant believe you only gain 50! I AT LEAST gain 60! Your lucky!

Robles Family said...

I think it's a boy! Little Adam Jr. Take care of yourself, let me watch the kids while you go to the Dr. Call anytime you need anything!!! Congratulations!-Sarah Padilla

Jen Beals said...

Congratulations, that's exciting and also very intimidating, I'm scared of number two let alone three!

Lorena said...

Congratulations! How wonderful! When I found out I was pregnant with Brooke, my first thought was "Oh good, now I don't have to diet anymore." That would explain my 50 lbs. Kind of embarassing since I only gained 40 with the triplets.

laurice. said...

I have 3 friends due that same week! How many weeks along do you have to be out there to have them tell you the sex? Down here you have an ultra sound every time you go so they tell you as soon as they can positively tell which ironically for most people down here has been 13 weeks and it's always been right. That’s so exciting!

Emilie said...

I don't even believe that your little body can gain 50 pounds!! Congrats--how you feeling? So exciting. There are a few of us around that time :) Must be something in the water up here...

Tammie said...

If I could gain 50lbs in pregnancy and then turn around and look as great as you do so soon after I would be happy as a lark! Congratulations!

Jill said...

I new the news was going to come out some time! Congrats! I'm excited to see you when I come down for my shower, you better be there!

A Rosie Family said...

Congratulations! Three is fun!! And what is 50 lbs when you are as cute as you are anyways!!

Ashley said...

congrats, that is too exciting! You can be excited to gain 50 pounds because you always loose it, I gain weight and keep it. oh well eat away.

heidi said...

Congrats!! being prego is kinda fun!

The Meachams said...

YES!!!! You have the cutest kiddos in the whole wide world and it's about time you added another one of your BEAUTIFUL creations to this planet!!!!! YEAH!!! Am I going to see you at Jill's baby shower???? I'm crossing my fingers for a yes!

Amber Olsen said...

You are just has bad as me about blogging. I havent checked your blog in weeks and you have one microscopic post. lame. I want new pics of you and the kids asap.

MegTyandLandri said...

Hooray!! I love the part in pregnancy when you really enjoy food!

Anonymous said...

Elder Hess!

I'm not sure if you remember me, but this is Elder Smith from the mission. I'm the big Texan that served with Holdcraft, Gammons and Foster. I live down here in the Houston, TX area where I am starting up a business with James Keating. Do you have an email address?


Ryan and Tenneal said...

Whatever, you only gain 50 if Adam is on the scale with you! Congrats,we are sooooo excited for you.

Donovan Hansen said...

Hey guys-
just got the blog address from Adam's Utog mission post. Congrats on the 3rd addition (and the first 2-- it's been that long). shoot me an email:


and I'll get you our blog address when I figure out what it is.

Alaska Massey said...

Good work Adam, looks as though you have a stellar family. I am glad your wife keeps the blog updated. You can visit us at
Congrats on the new kid. ~Erik