Tuesday, July 22, 2008

21 weeks down- 19 to go! Yee haw!

Do I love being pregnant? H#%@ no! Do I love that I am at the point in my pregnancy where I never have to suck in? You better believe it! I'm done being sick and ready for the growing belly to overwhelm all I meet. We are not finding out- sorry! I hate people who do it, but since I have a boy and a girl, I think it would be exciting one time and one time only. There are so many grand kids on both sides, I have to do somehting to make more family members a little involved!


laurice. said...

Ok first off I could never not know...it would just drive me crazy but good for you! And oh my gosh your California pictures make me sick! I look more preggo than you!

Hess Fam said...

GEEZ LOUISE! I'm so glad you FINALLY updated! Please don't make me wait until you have your baby for another update! I am so excited for your midway pregnancy! I know you still aren't showing you little bean pole! I love Adam's face in that boy's pic. Miss your cuteness.

Sarah or Stephen said...

The suspense!!! I can't wait to meet the new Hess family member! By the way, Andrew still asks to go to Malloy's house EVERY day!

Jen Tucker said...

I didn't find out with Brodee either because I had a boy and a girl. It was fun but like you said I will never do it again.

Ashley said...

Love the pics of Cali! How fun would that be and only you could look super good in a swimsuit being prego! Now you totally put that into my head to not find out so because of you I think I will do the same, is it really that hard once you are past the actual ultrasound or it is more of an acceptance that this is what your doing so you don't think of it much?

Anonymous said...

It has been so long since I looked at your blog (sorry). How exciting you are pregnant. Yeah! Good Luck. Can't wait to see pics of the cute little thing.

Emilie said...

Are you guys back yet? Cali looks like a blast. I miss the beach. You'll be shocked when you see my belly (remember I'm only like 5 weeks ahead of you), compared to you I look like I'm due next week. I guess there are advantages to both :) We need to get together before we leave for internships!

Jill said...

Of course you are not finding out! You are just trying to torture me. I need to know if my little boy is going to have a BFF or a GF.

Emilie said...

Ha ha, 4 weeks can sure make a difference(seriously, all my popping happened in like 4 weeks). We'd love to help you move in. Just call. I'd love to watch your kiddos :)

Minnesota Fun! said...
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Minnesota Fun! said...

Half way there, that is great! Love the cute pictures in Cali...what a fun family tradition you guys have.
I'm feeling huge and tired. The last couple of weeks I feel like I have gotten really big. The doctor says I'm measuring where I should be, but I think the third is a killer.

the Hess' said...

FInally a post.. Love to see your little fam.. You look amazing girl! Well we defintely need to get together for some peter piper pizza. Can't wait to see your cute little belly..

MegTyandLandri said...

Yeah I was wondering when i was going to see a new post. Don't worry I am worse! That will be a fun surprise for you guys. You look so stinking cute. I have reached the stage where i am out of breath getting the mail. yeah for me I am almost done...

A Rosie Family said...

I'm so glad that we got a chance to hang out while you guys were in Cali! The suspense is going to kill me of what that little Hess is going to be!! So fun!

Did I mention how flippen FABULOUS you look!

Amber Olsen said...

I am dying right now these pics are the best.

Dave, Tamara and Addysen Mowers said...

I am so glad that I found your blog... I see congrats are in order. I am so excited for you guys. Yipee... wow, you have great patience. I don't think I could ever do that.
