Friday, May 1, 2009

5 months old- hooray!!!

I've been writing down the fun things Malloy and Nixie have said to Delilah since she's been born.......
1)I will hold her forever
2)She is so agorbalish (he let me know that agorbalish is gorgeous and adorable mixed together)
3) Mom, just LOOK at her- look at her right now she is so cute!
4)I think I'm big enough to beat her up...but I won't.
5) I'm going to take care of Delilah and babysit her, you go make a sandwhich.
1) I wuv you Lila
2) You have 5 minutes *said when others are holding her
3) Let's match Lila
4)MY SISITA!! *said whenever she see's her

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Paige said...

What do you mean Nixie, 5 min? Your mom doesnt let anyone hold her.

Minnesota Fun! said...

Cute Pictures! She looks like Malloy. I love the things kids say to their new baby.

Sparks Fam said...

how funny are they? agorbalish is pretty creative, i must say. we miss those kiddos and can't wait to see everyone next week!

Saragers said...

she is so big!! (excuse me as i wipe my tears) i can't believe she got so big!! i can't wait to see your kids again!!!

A Rosie Family said...

Awww she is so cute! 5 months already, my how the time does fly.
Gotta love what comes from a sibblings mouth... most of the time!

Ashley said...

It is so fun to hear what the older kids have to say, whenever i think i cant deal with my 3 kids one more second they always find a way to crack me up.

myndie said...

love the kid quotes!! i can't believe your baby is 5 months old! where did the time go? she is agorbalish, although i will have to have a word with that malloy because it is so much more natural to say agorbalisheous, might as well add a little precious in there as well. watch out future girl friends!

Jill said...

I love that you wrote those down! Your kids are surprise though, so are you! sorry i missed you, i wish we could have hung out while i was in town :(

Tracy said...

She's so cute!! Can't stand it.

the waites said...

such cuteness! I love kids thoughts, especially that Malloy wont beat her up. I cant believe shes 5 mon.?!!??! I miss you! Im calling you after my blasid Marathon. Im so scared, Im shaking as I type. When does Adam move here??

Hess Fam said...

hooray for a monthly update. and what a cute one it was! I really can't get over the clone of nixie. malloy's comments are killing me!

Jen Beals said...

So adorable, and love the silly things siblings say.

MegTyandLandri said...

Too Cute!! I love the hair! I can't believe she is 5 months. Crazy how time flies.

Emily Zoe Hale said...

Really? I am tearing up? Gee I miss you guys!!! Why are your kids so big? Well, can't wait to see you...someday....