Thursday, December 4, 2008

Introducing.... Delilah June Hess

Weight: 7 pounds
Length: 19 inches
Born: December 1st

This is Nixie's first time seeing her new sister- I love the expression.


Monday, November 17, 2008

A few family pics and one soapy daughter

We had our family pictures taken in September and now that we have some of them back, I can't help but wonder why I was determined to get them done so far into my pregnancy, especially since we will need to take them again once the baby comes. My main motivation was to get some updated pics of the kids. This picture is one of my favorites.

Despite the fact that I'm a little fuller in the face, I'm glad we have a picture of just Adam and myself. I feel like after you have kids people don't think about making sure there are some professional pictures of just themselves as a couple. I love when I come across a picture of my parents together, I always think about how cute they are. Hopefully in 20 years my kid's will feel the same way about this picture.

Please read on to find out why our family has to do this..

This has been our daughter's favorite pastime this month. She likes to quietly and quickly sneak into the bathroom and pump as much soap as possible into her little hand, and slap it on the top of her head and face. She has burned her eyes multiple times but does NOT learn her lesson. This incident was one of the more mild ones.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Pumpkins!!!

I loved this picture that I actually stole off of another mom's blog, but it was so dang cute. This little preschool class is so much fun, I love teaching them 3 days a week. Gotta love the glasses and happy faces!

Spending Halloween with cousins. Malloy was the Big Bad Wolf and Nixie was Little Red Riding Hood, although I wish we could have had her cutest little hood on, it was my favorite part of the costume- thanks Cherisse! Malloy would wear his wolf mask for about 2 seconds.

Isn't everyone so cute? Oh, except that dwarf sized, scary warewolf- why does my son obsess over anything gruesome.
Adam and I sitting on the couch of shame since we were just kicked out of "the band" at the Halloween party. They had Rock band all set up, Adam was excited to try and about 20 seconds in to our song the game was over and the "Rock band crowd" was booing us off the stage. On a high note, I get a picture of myself 9 months pregnant- YES! Costume explanation: I am a 1950's house wife pregnant with the milkman's baby, thus the milk mustache and smeared kisses on my milkman's cheek. A guy at the party came up to Adam and told him that his friends Dad was an actual milkman back in the day and would get calls from random people claiming that he was their father! I guess their is a little truth to the saying.

Malloy and Nixie with their cousin Carson and friends at Mother Nature's Farm.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Cherisse Elizabeth Tipton was born on August 15th (sorry I'm late)1984- and from the moment I saw her I knew we would be best friends. I wasn't quite two but my obsession was absolute! I informed everyone that she was my baby and I truly believed it. Cherisse has always been very honest, adorable, easy going, the best baker, and the best friend a sister could ask for. Now I have to add, the cutest mom as well. Happy B-day Cherisse, I wish I could be there to celebrate with you!
This picture is the best! You are -as usual the cutie pie of the girls. Yikes to me and my hair do and yikes to Tiffany's bangs.
Who needs birthday presents when you can squish in to a box with me! Should we try that again?

Thanks for always being my best pretend partner, even if you didn't want to.
Cherisse could never make an ugly face, she is a for sure a natural beauty with the best smile!


Happy Birthday to my cutest, funniest, most honest, and creative little sister! Thanks for being a good example to me in so many ways and loving me no matter what! You are the best!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

21 weeks down- 19 to go! Yee haw!

Do I love being pregnant? H#%@ no! Do I love that I am at the point in my pregnancy where I never have to suck in? You better believe it! I'm done being sick and ready for the growing belly to overwhelm all I meet. We are not finding out- sorry! I hate people who do it, but since I have a boy and a girl, I think it would be exciting one time and one time only. There are so many grand kids on both sides, I have to do somehting to make more family members a little involved!

California vacation unplugged!!!!!

I did tell these cute kids that there was a booger in my nose so they would look at me and the camera- no smiles but at least you can see their searching faces.
It was so fun to have Rach and Myles visit!

Random picture but the day this picture was taken I kept hearing a quiet " BZZZ ARGHHH, Bzzz, ARGHHHH" and what did I find? None other than a bumble bee pirate- he was trying to sting me and make me walk the plank at the same time- pure entertainment.

Cute brothers and bros- in- law- minus Jonathan
Cute sisters-in-law and sisters

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We are working on how to smile normally- don't worry. This was taken at my Mom's house last week while we visited for a little while. It was heaven to swim and be with family.
Nixie's cousin Jaden had a dance recital, so my sister put her hair in sponge curlers, then suprised me by putting Nixie's hair in curlers! I loved it and wish she could be on the stage with her cousin.

Not the best picture on a lazy sunday afternoon, but just so my kids know that I am part of the family once this blog is a journal/book.


Malloy, Truman, Carson ,and McKay playing on the back porch.

Happy Birthday Mom!!!

I miss, miss, miss these faces every day!

Swimming at Mimi's

Adam is a returned missionary with a farmers tan, and yes, he is stoked about his bicep- oh brother.

Sunbathing on Mimi's pool deck

Thank you Adam

The whole time I was in Mesa, I searched high and low for our camera, so sad that my trip wasn't being documented. Adam was on a 3 day hike with my brothers and in laws- he did take the camera, and this is what he came home with. I'm glas his trip was documented.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm PREGNANT! Let the smorgasbord begin!

Yea! I'm so excited for a new little baby to join the fam and especially the 50 pounds I will be gaining very soon- isn't it wonderful!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Team T-Rex!!!!!!

Wednesday was Malloy's first t-ball game, and Adam's dream come true! I'm sure every Dad is excited when their son or daughter finally reach the t-ball age. His game was so entertaining and I loved every minute of it. Adam is the coach, and despite his desperate attempts to name the team the Trojans, Dodgers or Lakers, the team voted and T-Rex won. Sorry babe- we live in Arizona.

It was freeeeeeezing outside, my toes were numb and Malloy is crying in this picture. He's crying because he is cold, I think Adam is crying as well. When we got in the car the only thing Adam said about his son's first t-ball game was, "I'm over Flagstaff". He proceeded to drive home with his best grumpy face on. Besides the freezing 50 mile per hour winds, it was sooo fun watching Malloy run all over the place.

Action shot

Don't forget about me. Nixie loved thinking she was part of the action with her mini bat.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Fun at the park until...........

I love it! The snow is gone and the park is on! I stole this picture off of my friends blog. Here are my kids and some buddies rolling down a 2 inch hill, loving every minute of it until Malloy informs me about an hour later that is tummy hurt- uh oh.

Malloy ended up throwing up in the car, Nixie felt sick, and we all watched movies the rest of the day. Adam came home and couldn't believe that his two crazy kids were actually laying down watching t.v. in the middle of the day.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Who's scared of this Easter bunny?..... I am.

I am sad to say that we have lost our camera. However, I did scan these pictures that Adam was so excited about- since they were free at Walmart. Our Easter was wonderful despite the lost camera. We celebrated Adam's b-day sweating it up at Laser Quest, we also went to the zoo, the park, skate land, attended a few Easter egg hunts, and last but not least I was able to spend a few days with just my sisters and mom. YES! No kids! There were a few bumps, Nixie did get sick the moment I left Adam with the kids, she did throw up the whole time and nearly drowned in my parents pool. Luckily superman (Adam) dove across the pool and rescued her. He did ruin his cell phone in the process. Also, as if the below bunny wasn't scary enough, another Easter Bunny attended one of the hunts Malloy went on. This Easter Bunny was about 6'4 in a costume made for a child. His bald head was popping out the back, and his hairy wrists were showing. The minute Malloy saw this scary sight- his eyes grew 3 sizes and he backed up slowly repeating, "Mother, there's somebody in there, there's somebody in there"! Scarring! Besides those few fun incidents, it was heavenly soaking up the sun and hanging out with family. We were able to coax Malloy into sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap above, he did do pretty good even if you can see the fear behind the smile.

Nixie on the other hand, well the picture speaks for itself.

Ummm please don't chase my daughter, and I will be having nightmares.