I am sad to say that we have lost our camera. However, I did scan these pictures that Adam was so excited about- since they were free at Walmart. Our Easter was wonderful despite the lost camera. We celebrated Adam's b-day sweating it up at Laser Quest, we also went to the zoo, the park, skate land, attended a few Easter egg hunts, and last but not least I was able to spend a few days with just my sisters and mom. YES! No kids! There were a few bumps, Nixie did get sick the moment I left Adam with the kids, she did throw up the whole time and nearly drowned in my parents pool. Luckily superman (Adam) dove across the pool and rescued her. He did ruin his cell phone in the process. Also, as if the below bunny wasn't scary enough, another Easter Bunny attended one of the hunts Malloy went on. This Easter Bunny was about 6'4 in a costume made for a child. His bald head was popping out the back, and his hairy wrists were showing. The minute Malloy saw this scary sight- his eyes grew 3 sizes and he backed up slowly repeating, "Mother, there's somebody in there, there's somebody in there"! Scarring! Besides those few fun incidents, it was heavenly soaking up the sun and hanging out with family. We were able to coax Malloy into sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap above, he did do pretty good even if you can see the fear behind the smile.