Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mimi makeover- maybe someday Nixie will have eyebrows like you mom.


the waites said...

well look who's back! first off i saw jaime fow on sesame street this morning and it was so your husband. As for this hillarious post it has made me smile for two obvious reasons- Your lovely mother whom i miss dearly and malloys body art. has adam taught him how to flex?!?!? quite the artist adam!

ps i am comming home a week from wednesday will you be there???

Amber Olsen said...

Are you kidding me right know. This is the funniest blog ever. I love how you don't pretend like your life is perfect, everyone in your family is perfect and so on. LIke every other blog. Your the most perfect family I know and its because of things like this. My parents would ground me when I would write on my hands at school, Yet Adam encourages it. Way to be real.

Sparks Fam said...

Hey, if we didn't live in Flagstaff Malloy could use that as his Halloween costume this year! Ha ha! Oh, and Nixie looks cute as always, even with drawn-on brows!

Melissa said...

lol those are awesome! aren't dads the best?! I feel like Jon would be a better stay-at-home mom then I am! He's much more exciting. Love that your mom did Nixie's make-up :) my mom is all about the "natural" look. Though she agress with the "full brow" look.

laurice. said...

That cracks me up! Eyebrows! Oh my gosh I swear all the Mexican girls down here shave theirs off and draw them back on! It's a freak show!

Hess Fam said...

I am DYING!!!! Dying for Adam's funniness and Dying for Janet's love for appearance! Oh how I miss your face!

Emilie said...

Oh so cute. If I let Ben see this, it will be only minutes before Charlie is covered in marker. At least our husband's know there stuff, right?

Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

ha ha ha!!!!! How funny! That bone drawing should be his Halloween costume this year!

Mama J said...

Dan and I love to draw all of the bones in our body on ourselves as well as our girls. We took pictures and I think we're going to use it for our family Christmas card picture next year. P.s. My hubs name is Dan not Dave. I didnt tell him about Dave yet, he is a little too fragile right now to hear about good ol'Dave.

Minnesota Fun! said...

I love the pictures! Dad's are great! Doug always does the most fun thing with the boys when I'm gone. Some days I wonder why I'm the one who stays home. We are looking forward to see you guys thing spring!

the waites said...

i looooved it! it was the first movie where i liked it even though it was a sad ending. i told my mom i liked it and she said thats cause ive mautured. my heart melted when he called his daughter "jane" i was in tears. it was not so sad they had a secret affair with their eyes at the end.

Tiffany said...

You know that the obsession with eye brows is passed down from Grandma. We can break the cycle. Mom is trying to get to her grad daughters though!! Love the pictures, your kids and you. Can't wait for the 29th!!

Ashley said...

I must say that is pretty dang funny. Your mom is so funny to do that. Your husband will be a great PT,where do you guys want to go when he is done?

Mama J said...

Okay... I dont mean to be impatient. But i really do need an update or something. Maybe even just a picture of you doing some sort of kick to the side???

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Boys will be boys. It is really nice to see how you are doing. Miss you! Have a fabulous day.

Jill said...

Love the pictures! And the makeover...classic Janet :)

Tiffany said...

Hey, my update is more recent then yours.......You have your computer back so let's see some action!!!! Love you.

Tammie said...

Hey I know all about the non exsistent eyebrows! I'm right there with ya! I've just recently discovered the joy of eyebrow dye! It really does make a difference. How long did it take Adam to finish his art project? That is a fun thing to come home to!

Tiffany said...

I know I just talked to you, but I miss those cute kids. I can't believe I am the one nagging you to post. (: I am also going to keep tagging you until you do it. Love you

A Rosie Family said...

I am laughing so hard right now! The skeleton is great. At least Malloy can learn something from it. My kids get temporary tattoos of lame dragons and stuff. Good job Adam!!