Top 10 reasons why I LOVE Rachel Waite!
10.) Rachel has always had a great sense of style- hair, makeup, clothes, EVERYTHING!
9.) Wears her heart on her sleeve. She has been listening to Delila (99.9) since the 8th grade. My Dad would drive us somewhere and she would ask him to change the station to Delila, then proceed to sniffle and cry in the backseat because she would relate every love song to her latest crush.
8.) Very creative in all she does!
7.) As Rachel's mom would say, "Rachel is yellow"! She yas a yellow personality- always wanting to have fun, very social, and wants everyone to be happy!
6.) Cutest mom ever- who of course has no idea why any person would say having a baby is difficult. From the time Myles was born she has been all smiles!
5.) Funniest and BEST sense of humor!
4.)Rach is sooo talented- dance, sing, and I'm pretty sure she could do a back tuck over Willie ( serious athletic ability).
3.) Started driving everywhere when she was 15 (no permit), she thought she was the best driver, and blew her Dad's speakers out because she is obsessed with loud music in the car.
2.)Rachel and I used to get decked out in our dance gear, and make up dance routines like we were top choreographers.....we were DEAD serious! The dance routines we made up were performed...for no one, they had no purpose.
1.) Rachel is always trying to better herself- from the books she reads to the way she trys to understand others- I love ya rach, happy birthday!