Sunday, September 16, 2007


How excited is my husband to move to Flagstaff where a lumberjack is the mascott of the school he is attending? As you can see he is very excited and very grizzly. I am sad.


the waites said...

Oooh im scared! The big bad grizzzly man ecaped from prison. Looks like his mug shot.. side profile and all! Just kidding you look tough and rugged(SP?). Jew your gonna love this blogging, its just such a treat to visit your little fam through the computer:)

juliette said...

Rachel please- you made me laugh so hard. He did just escape from prison. Actually though, I'm laughing harder because i LOVE that whenever you call me Jew, instead of making my name short (Ju)- you spell it jew. Well mozzletof my friend mozzletof!! You better always spell it that way, it makes me smile because I just picture myself with a little yamaka hat and some side burns.

the waites said...

the best is in my phone thats how its programed...i think Ive been spelling it that way since junior high. Maybe you just remind me of a jew!MOZZLETOF back at ya

ps Did you know willies president of a JEWISH Fraternity at USC!!!!

The Meachams said...


Is this Adam's shining moment or what??? do you kiss through all the grizz?

Hess Fam said...

RANDY!!!(adam will understand) wow when he told me he was growing that thing for 3 months i had no idea...

Sam said...

Holy smokes... That is the most awesome bird lovin' beard I have ever seen!

This is Sam Salima, if you guys want to see our blog go to: