Sunday, September 16, 2007

Taking cover

It was pouring outside, so Malloy and I hung out in the garage for a while until the rain was a little less intense.


Natalie Hall said...

Julliette you look so great! And I love the way your kids kind of pose. There adorable faces says it all, "Mom come on, we do have better things to do". So dang cute. You are to funny Juliette. I think you should write a column in the flagstaff newspapper. So very quick witted. I have always loved that about you. I can not even imagine you and Megan together. Lots of laughter

davidandsuzi said...

How is Flagstaff? How long will you guys be there?

Tammie said...

Juliette, I would really appreciate it if you would put me on your friends list! I am starting to feel offended! Okay, so you're wearing a sweater! Is it cold up there? Could that even be possible?

Anonymous said...

Yeah you have a blog. I am so excited to see those cute pictures of your grizzly and your kids. We miss you so much. Jen and I were in her frontroom and saw you drive off and she started crying. She hasn't had as good of a friend as you in a long time. You are so loyal and great to her. You will be missed and I will hear about it. You are just amazing no matter what you think. love you tons!!!

Hess Fam said...

happy b-day juliette!


the Hess' said...

HEy Juliette,
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!!!!
Michael and Ashley

ness said...

i'm so glad to see you have a blog. malloy has reason to believe he's cute- i'm sure lily would think so. any idea where that great cartoon poster is? i didn't realize we were twins until that trip.

Jessica said...

Julliette how are you doing. I found your blog from megans. When did you guys move to Flagstaff? And why? That is so cool. the weather is so pretty up their. this christmas we are doing the polar express we will have to meet up.And your kids are so big and adorable. I loved cathing up on your family. When are you guys moving home.

Jessica said...

Happy Birhtday!!!!

The Richins Family said...

hi this is jenny richins (ashleys' sister in law) anyway, i found your blog from megans' i hope that's okay. anyway your family is cute. please email me at: so i can invite you to our family blog.
p.s. do you still live out here in queen creek with us? if so, we should really get together sometime and let the kids play. :)

A Rosie Family said...

Hey girl! I'm so excieted to see you guys! Maybe now we can keep in touch a little better. I can't believe how old your kids are looking these days. Happy happy birthday... you look great! About Adam, I am sad for you too.. grizley is ucky. Ryan tries it every now and then but lucky for me it doesn't grow in too well so it doesn't usually last.

Tammie said...

Okay I guess we can be friends again! I'm very shallow like that. If you don't publicly show you are my friend then well I won't be! So good thing you came to your senses and added me on!!

Mrs. Dub said...

i'm a random commenter, but i came across your blog and realized i knew your husband as a youngin' at efy (where i was infatuated with him). thankfully, i am now infatuated with my own husband and little girl, but it's cool to see your cute kids. tell adam "hello!" for me. crazy that i grew up in arizona, yet i'm now in chicago and he's there.

mrs. dub
a.k.a. laura-pete