Thursday, March 19, 2009

Don't forget about me- I'm 31/2 months old!

Last but not least.... ADAM'S LOBSTER DINNER!

Here he is showing off the "Lobster lover's dream" meal he chose.

Here it is in all it's glory- Adam's dream come true.


Jill said...

I loved this post. Your kids are the cutest things ever. And I love how the cow is just casually chatting while she is giving birth. Hello! There is a cow coming out of your BUTT :)

And Delilah is so freaking cute. I love that she still has a ton of hair, and looks like your twin. Please call me so we can chat.

Ashley said...

OK those dresses are so cute those little girls are wearing and I am cracking up about the cow giving birth, how traumatizing for those little ones. you always have such funny things going on in your life...i feel so boring compared to you! OK and I totally yelled at Curt for calling your beautiful baby girl a boy, he felt so bad, he kept saying "you couldn't see the bow at first" to which i replied "THERE WAS A BOW AND YOU STILL CALLED HER A BOY"! yes he is untrainable. yeah I was bummed we didn't see you at church i told Presley that Malloy was there and she said "can he be in my class" so i told the new presidency to put him in presley's class and you never showed. bummer.

Ashley said...

oh and i told someone else about your preschool. Do you take 2 year olds???? I will give her your phone number unless i hear otherwise from you. Her name is Becky Rogers

Sarah or Stephen said...

Nixie is gorgeous! Is she already modeling!?

Saragers said...

fun!! what happened on tuesday? i could never get a hold of anyone!! i'm still playing phone tag with tiff! thanks for keeping carson longer. he was totally crying when you dropped him off.

Minnesota Fun! said...

Great pictures! Little Delilah looks like Malloy, I think. I can't believe how big Nixie is...What a beautiful girl.
The story about the cow doesn't surprise me... you always have the craziest stories. I'm not sure what my boys would do.
I miss you so much. I hope you are surviving being a mom of 3.

Hess Fam said...

fun. fun. fun. i am happy for emily. shauni said she saw you guys at the temple. nixie looks adorable. delilah is just simply a delight. malloy can hang with my queasy stomach all day. and adam...well...i hope he doesn't expect those kind of meals if he ever becomes my house guest!! :) miss you.

Paige said...

Dang it, I hate that you are already back in Flag. I am glad you finally had an excuse to buy Nixie Jane those cute shoes. I miss you the new-ness of moving is wearing off and I want my friends back!

laurice. said...

Those dresses are adorable and if you ask me look way better with out a shirt under them. Love the cow comments. I agree Malloy that would make me feel sick too!

Thanks for the comment about spotting. It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one. I have spotted with all 3 pregnancies also and so far only lost one so fingers crossed but it’s looking good.

the waites said...

I cant get over your posting skills!!!! 2 posts within a year-WOW. I love your captions. Inmodest one was the winner. I love your kids they each are a clone of you or Red lobster lover:). Such little personalities. oH ya the energy drink one made me chuckle too. CAn I please call you. Sunday have your phone:) Lots to discuss.

A Rosie Family said...

What a fun post! Glad to see that Adam got his Lobster dinner too. So when is the church dance?

Ironygirl said...

What's the lobster dinner about? Bday?

Ashley said...

sounds great want to double-Curt